Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Morning Coffee

Another pot of joe gone and I only had to nuke one cup. My training is back on track and cross my fingers no pain in the Achilles. This past week saw good training, I got my runs in, nice hard bike on Saturday and a brutal eight mile run on Sunday.

The weather this week has been very hot and humid and I really felt it on Sunday's long run. I had to focus on the finishing, which I did. Next weekend we head for the trails, my goal is to get a trail run each weekend. I finished last week at 20 miles with an eight mile long run.

I've got to say that I really find motivation in reading fellow blogs, it's great to see so many committed individuals. This morning I read Gotta Run's blog, check it out, Robin does a great job.

This week my mileage goes up to 24 with a ten mile long run followed the next day with a six mile run, I am shooting to do the ten miler at Paris Mt. State Park in Greenville, SC my hometown.

Have a great week and try to do one random act of kindness!



Chris said...

Hey Mike, Great Blog. I came across your blog from Robin's and would love to join you for some trail running to log on some longer runs.

Unfortunately, I spend most of my time on the road but would like to do more trail running.

Gotta Run..... said...

Yeah... another local trail runner. Thanks for the shout out. That was very nice. So you tackled your first 50k and have another one in October. Awesome job!!!

I will email you about this weekends trail run.

Gotta Run..... said...

BTW - Chris has been talking about hitting hte trails with me to. Sounds like I will need to drag him :)