Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just Rambling!

It's been 11 days since my last blog, I've been running lately but something is way off. It started last Thursday, I went to Umstead State Park in Raleigh, NC to run my weekly long run of 16 miles. I took my trail shoes since I thought that I would be on single-track trails. I've been having problems with these shoes and I knew better, should have listened to my inner self.

I did the first 4 miles on single-track then came to a gravel road, took that expecting to get back on single-track. I ended up staying on this road making several switches to side roads, mixing the trail run to an overall run of 11 miles of pure "hell". To sum it up, the run just sucked, period. I felt sluggish, no energy. I thought about it and I didn't eat well for lunch, I didn't were my good shoes, I didn't take extra water and it was very humid. I paid the price!

Move to Saturday. I'm now in Winston Salem at a soccer Tournament with my oldest son, I got up early that morning to go for a run, thinking that I would do 7 miles, again I felt sluggish. Now I'm freaking out, second run in three days and I have no energy. I powered through got 5 miles and went to the soccer fields. Another day, oh well. Better to be on the fields watching my son play.

On to Sunday, still in Winston Salem for the Soccer Tourney, I got up to run the same route as Saturday, it was very humid and I only had the energy for 4, this sucks! Now I'm a wreck. I am supposed to run 16 on Saturday and 10 on Sunday, and I'm struggling through 4 and 5. Ok stay in control, stay in control.

It' Monday, ugh....So now I'm pissed, my friend Gunnar called me to say that the Ironman gang was going to run 18 Monday night, redemption time. I'm in!!!. I met the boys that evening to run my 16 not 18, our goal is 3 loops of 6. First loop, I go out feeling good, and too fast, slow down I'm telling myself. Second Loop, feeling good on the start, but around mile 8, I'm feeling it, mind is going to panic, be cool, stay focused. I'm still running strong. I finish the loop now I'm at 11 miles. I head out for 5 miles, you can do this, I get about 2 mile into 5 and I'm fading hard, getting dizzy, lightheaded. I stopped at the water hole and cool off and drink up At this point, just get back to the car, finish the torture. I make it back get 14 for the evening, not 16 but oh well.

Humpday!, half way to the weekend. I go out for my daily grind, need six, but mentally I succumb to doing 4. So I take off and I feel good no Great. I see a friend and we talk and run for around 3.5 miles, after we split I head out and I'm getting 6. I crushed it, between mile 5 and 6 at one time I had a pace of 7:50, for me this is fast. Not only did I get six but I added a little more. Hooya!!

So what did I learn this week, eat better, sleep more and loosen up mentally. This week is 18 with 10 on Sunday. The gang is heading to Croft State Park to run the trails. Oh I bought new trail shoes, I got a pair of Montrail Odyssey, I hope there the new pick me up that I need.



Gotta Run..... said...

Love the report. Training is all about ups and downs but running Ultras is 100% mental. You are seeing that it sounds like you are pushing yourself through it.

Love the sweet new shoes. They will look even better after they are covered in mud from our run in the morning at Croft.

Looking forward to it!

Chris said...

Hey Mike, great report and I am TOTALLY with you on the eat right, sleep well and try and control the mental demons. Man, the things that you just described sounded like things that have come right out of my mouth and have gone through my head over and over and over. The more mileage I am putting on the more important I am finding that EVERYTHING I do, eat and say have an impact on my performance. YOu know, it's really scary how much control my mindset can have over my performance....

You are a great runner man, relax, have fun!! (at least that's what I keep telling myself)

Sweet shoes, BTW!! Montrails are awesome. I'm still loving my HardRocks.

WE missed you this weekend!